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Facebook Ads: The 3 Big Questions You Need to Answer

facebook ads questions

We’re in the results business…

…and as we’re about to show you, nothing turns numbers in the digital advertising world quite like PAID TRAFFIC.

But what if you’re running campaigns that don’t generate a return? Or worse still, that make a huge loss for your business? What if your ad campaigns aren’t even creating brand awareness?

If you’ve suffered from any of the above, you’re not alone.

Don’t worry, Einstein Marketer will wrap a comforting arm around your shoulder.

In just a few moments we’ll show you how to ANALYSE your Ad campaigns, OPTIMISE them and GENERATE THE RETURNS your hard work deserves.

But first, you’ll need to grab a pen and paper and answer the following questions as objectively as possible.

  1. Have you got the right offer?

Let’s kick this analysis off with the most important question you need to ask your Facebook ad campaign.

If you’ve got the wrong offer, even the finest ad campaign will fail.

People want VALUE. They want their pain points/problems SOLVED. People crave offers that have a SPECIFIC NEED.

Does your offer do any of the above?

Don’t worry if you’re not promoting a product/service. Your ad campaign is still an offer, even if you’re just promoting FREE content.

Evaluate your offer by chunking down the big ‘Have you got the right offer?’ question into three targeted questions:

-Does it give value?

-Does it solve a specific problem for a specific group of people?

-Is there a need for it?

If the answer is YES to all three, you’re welcome to move onto the next question.

If the answer is NO to any of the above, go back to the drawing board, create an offer that ticks all the boxes and revisit Einstein Marketer’s guide later. There’s no rush, we aren’t going anywhere, promise.

[quote type=”rect”]<strong>EINSTEIN MARKETER MOMENT</strong> –An example of a perfect offer is to retarget an audience who has shown an interest in a product with a LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT. Find out more.[/quote]


  1. Have you found the right audience?

We’ll demonstrate this with an example:

Let’s pretend we own a business selling Baby Products and we write an incredible BLOG, offering massive value about how to properly care for a baby.

The information is FREE and the value is huge. Our Ads will create a ton of traffic, brand awareness and lead engagement, won’t it?

Not if we put it in front of single people, or parents of children who’ve already grown up.

Can you guess the outcome?

We’ll spend a huge amount of time and money, advertising an awesome message to the WRONG PEOPLE.

Yes, we know it sounds obvious, but you’ve got no idea about the number of businesses that fail because they don’t properly understand their TARGET MARKET.

For goodness sake people, CREATE A CUSTOMER AVATAR!

Still got that pen? Good. Write the above down, and more importantly USE YOUR AVATAR!

[quote type=”rect”]<strong>EINSTEIN MARKETER MOMENT</strong> – Use a Facebook Pixel to discover your customers interests, and create Lookalike Audiences to expand your reach. Find out more HERE.[/quote]

But wait, we’re not finished with AUDIENCES yet. There’s something else that really grinds our gears:




Everyone does it when they’re starting out. Their bottom lip starts drooling at the numbers, ‘oh look! I can reach 119,000,000 people with this post!’

Seriously, do you think that many people want to see it? And do you actually believe you’ll convert at even 0.0001%?

Don’t fear missing out on prospects. It’s better to start out ULTRA-SPECIFIC, find the AVID BUYERS in your market and then scale it when you know what characteristics fit that avid buyer.

If you can answer the following questions with a YES, feel free to move onto section 3:

-Have you created and are you using a CUSTOMER AVATAR?

-Are you being ULTRA-SPECIFIC with your AUDIENCES?

-Are you targeting an AVID section of your market?


  1. Have you got the right Ad?



The success of an ad rests on the quality of your copy and the suitability of the image.

Your ad copy must drive home a PAIN POINT. Try to remind your audience of a problem that affects their life negatively.

Follow the pain point with your SOLUTION. How much better will your audiences’ life be after they’ve clicked on your ad? Hammer it home.

Last but not least, your image must be eye-catching.

Ads interrupt an audience. They didn’t load their browser to see your ad.

We want to grab their attention in a non-offensive, eye-catching and brand complimenting fashion.

[quote type=”rect”]<strong>EINSTEIN MARKETER MOMENT</strong> –Video Ads are exploding on Facebook. Don’t be afraid to get in front of the camera and share your message. It could make all the difference to your business.[/quote]

Answer these three questions with a YES, and we’ll shake your hand, pat your back and congratulate you on the perfect ad campaign:

-Does your ad copy include a pain point for your audience?

-Do you offer a solution to the pain in your ad copy?

-Is your image eye-catching and representative of your brand and market?


The Perfect Ad Campaign

If you can tie the CORRECT OFFER, AUDIENCE AND AD together, your campaign is sure to hit the mark.

Ad campaigns are a delicate science. Don’t worry if you can’t get it right immediately, spend small amounts on specific audiences until you do.

If you need more resources about building a great AD campaign check out our Facebook Audiences Guide, or our Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ad Campaign Obejctives 2018/2019.

Still having problems? Talk to us anytime by commenting below, sending a message, or checking back to our BLOG for more information.

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