Here are 30 inspirational quotes to motivate entrepreneurs and marketers…
…because everyone has their off days.
If you want to be interesting, be interested. -David OgilvyClick To Tweet
Don’t sell products. Sell dreams -Steve JobsClick To Tweet
Don’t think of people in mass. That gives you a blurred view. Think of a typical individual, man or woman, who is likely to want what you sell. -Claude C Hopkins Click To Tweet
I’m sorry I could not have written a shorter letter, but I didn’t have the time. -Abraham Lincoln Click To Tweet
Failure is the condiment that gives success its failure. -Truman CopoteClick To Tweet
Personally, I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. -Dale CarnegieClick To Tweet
Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.' -Winston S. ChurchillClick To Tweet
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. -Thomas JeffersonClick To Tweet
The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. -Seth Godin Click To Tweet
Fall seven times and stand up eight. -Japanese ProverbClick To Tweet
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. -Mark Twain Click To Tweet
Get busy living or get busy dying. “The Shawshank Redemption”Click To Tweet
Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. -Theodore Roosevelt Click To Tweet
Even if you are on the right track, You’ll get run over if you just sit there. -Will Rogers Click To Tweet
You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take. -Wayne GretzkyClick To Tweet
A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor. -UnknownClick To Tweet
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. -Charles DarwinClick To Tweet
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Thomas EdisonClick To Tweet
Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it. -Chinese ProverbClick To Tweet
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety–nine percent perspiration. -Thomas A. Edison Click To Tweet
People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do. –Rob Siltanen Click To Tweet
We generate fears while we sit. We over come them by action. Fear is nature's way of warning us to get busy. -Dr. Henry Link Click To Tweet
Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. -Warren BuffetClick To Tweet
The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. -Henry FordClick To Tweet
Eighty percent of success is showing up. -Woody AllenClick To Tweet
Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games. -Babe RuthClick To Tweet
30 Inspirational Quotes: The End!
So, there are 30 inspirational quotes to motivate entrepreneurs and marketers. Hopefully, you’ve found something in there that’ll help you over the hump or kick you on to the next level…
…all our quotes have been posted so they can be tweeted in the click of a button. So, if you have found something, don’t be selfish, SHARE IT!
If you feel like you need some more detailed help, check out our Startup Marketing Roadmap or The 7 Biggest Lies in Content Marketing.
And don’t forget to leave us a comment if you’ve got any inspirational quotes of your own!
- Author Details
Josh is the Founder of We Imagine Media, an award-winning content marketer, best selling author and creator of the He creates and strategises content, sharing the most successful tactics with his lovely audience. He hates writing in the third person, follow him on the social links so he can get back to writing as himself.