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The Most Popular Marketing Content of 2019 (on Einstein Marketer)

most popular content 2019

This time last year, I was thanking everyone who’d had any interaction with Einstein Marketer in the previous year (2018).

That included anyone who’d liked, commented, shared, read, visited, viewed, opened our newsletter or listened to anything we’d produced.

And this year I’d like to do something completely original: thank everyone who has had any kind of interaction with Einstein Marketer.

In the previous year, our traffic has increased by more than 321%, we’ve generated 2,000+ new subscribers EVERY month and continued to grow a super-cool, hard-working and inspirational audience.

The performance of our eBooks, social posts and all our digital content has given our team reason to smile, but only because you’ve been there to enjoy it!

Our content was created to help aspiring businesses and brands online, and in the previous year the responses, stories and interactions we’ve received have surpassed even our wildest expectations.

On behalf of everyone working at Einstein Marketer, I’d like to say a massive thank you to all of you for making this possible. Without you (yes, that means you reading this) we are nothing.

Over the course of the next year (2020) I vow to up my own game, as well as everyone in and associated with our agency- so we can serve you better and help you generate even better results online.

Thanks again,

Josh Barney

Director @ Einstein Marketer

P.S. Just in case you missed anything from last year, I’ve rounded up 10 of our most popular and valuable blogs. These have been selected by measuring page views, social shares, backlinks earned and on page metrics from 2019 as a whole. Enjoy!

The 10 Most Popular Articles of 2019

The Customer Avatar: Find and Reach Your Target Market

One of our most popular articles of all time, this guide explains how digital marketers create ideal target market characters (aka avatars) to build out highly targeted marketing campaigns.

Customer avatars help businesses save and optimise their marketing spend without wasting a penny.

This article explains how you can build one yourself and even includes a free downloadable customer avatar template so you can easily build one out yourself (btw the free download doesn’t require contact details or anything in exchange).

Check it out! 

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Campaign Objectives

If you aren’t advertising your business on Facebook by now, you’re missing out on a massive marketing opportunity.

Facebook ads are cheap, highly targeted, convert really well and will work in any niche (we’re yet to find an industry they don’t work for).

In this ultimate guide we clarify the real meaning and function behind every single Facebook ad campaign objective, so you can find the most appropriate, cost effective and results generating objective for your campaigns.

This mammoth article is a must-read for anybody involved in FB ads (from complete beginners to experienced media buyers) with examples, tactics, tips and bags full of strategies.

Check it out! 

11 Must Have Chrome Extensions (for Marketers, Entrepreneurs and Businesses)

I love the Google Chrome browser, not only do I consider it the fastest, sleekest and easy-to-use browser, it can also be turned into a marketing toolkit.

The most amazing things about this browser are the Chrome Extensions that are available for free to everyone.

A Google Chrome extension is like a browser app that is installed and plugged in to Chrome. Every time you go online, these extensions can be used at any time in the click of a button.

In this super-popular guide I’ve rounded up 11 of my absolute favourite Chrome extensions for marketers, entrepreneurs and businesses.

The tools in this guide will 100% up your digital game.

Check it out! 

Facebook Page Likes: How to Get 1,000’s for Free

I actually wrote and published this article back in 2018, but despite this, it continues to bring in tons of new readers every day.

The post runs over some of the tactics that we used to grow our Facebook audience from 0 to 50k+ in less than 12 months…

…and the best thing about them is that they don’t cost a penny!

That’s right, all of the tactics and strategies in this huge guide are completely free for you to run yourself.

If you’re looking to grow your FB audience in 2020, all of the information in this guide is still highly-relevant and guarantees to drive results.

Check it out! 

The Psychology of Sharing: The Top Reasons People Hit the Social Share Button

Social media shares are an invaluable form of digital recommendation. They allow users to show your content to their connections and are therefore a necessity for anybody hoping to go ‘viral’ online.

In this follower-favourite article, I examine the top psychological reasons why people share content online and explain the tactics a creator should use to tap into the same effect.

When you fully understand why people perform your desired actions (in this case, sharing on social) it is much easier to figure out how you can encourage them to do this more often.

Check out this article if you want to drive up your social engagement.

Check it out! 

Instagram Reach: How to Reach More Users in 2020 (9 Killer Strategies)

This article was only published at the tail-end of 2019, but did incredibly well in a short amount of time (probably the best ever in the same time period)

Insta has gone from a maybe platform to a must-have for brands online. It drives purchase decisions, spreads awareness and as a network, generates lots of engagement (and feedback).

In this guide I explain how the Insta algorithm works and share 9 strategies that guarantee to help anyone increase their Instagram post reach- so they can build their audience and show their content to as many people as possible!

Check it out! 

The Facebook Ad Algorithm: How to Maximise Your (Budget and) Reach Without Increasing Spend

We know a thing or two about Facebook ads (we spend £3 million+ per year on them for our clients), so when we publish a FB marketing guide, they tend to do well.

This guide probably isn’t for the beginner Facebook advertiser, but for anyone who is already advertising on the world’s biggest social network, this really is a must read.

In this article I explain how the FB ad algorithm works, who every advertiser is competing against and how marketers can get the biggest bang for their buck from FB ads.

Check it out! 

The Worst Emails I’ve Ever Received (From People Who Want To Write For Us)

Collaborations and guest features are a great way to build social proof and reach new audiences with your content.

In this article, I share some of the worst (and most hilarious) emails that I’ve ever received from prospective collaborators and contributors.

These emails are ridiculous and even though I’ve publicly shared (and had this article read 10k+ times) I’m receiving more guest post pitches like this now than ever before!

If you’re thinking about submitting an article for our consideration, please make sure you’ve read this article first. My head can’t take any more crazy emails like the ones featured in this blog!

Check it out! 

How to Use Instagram Hashtags (and How Not To)

The second Instagram focussed article in our top ten, this article highlights and explains how anybody can use Instagram hashtags to increase their exposure on Insta.

A recent study revealed that posts with a hashtag on Instagram reach as many as 12.6% more people than those without- this kind of number racks up, especially if you’re posting regularly.

This guide to Insta Hashtags explains the different type of hasthags, how many you should use, where you should use them and shares a few free tools that everybody should be using to get fresh Instagram hashtags, in addition to loads of examples, tactics and Insta-growing strategies.

Check it out!

We Asked 30+ Marketing Experts: How Would You Grow Your Social Following From 0?

What’s better than the opinion of 1 marketing expert?

The opinion of 30+ marketing experts!

I reached out to the top marketers in my contact list so you can discover what they would do if their social followings were reset to 0, and how they’d grow their audience from nothing again.

This post features some massive names and brands in the world of marketing (that I’ve been lucky enough to work with). Check it out and see how many of them you know!

Check it out! 

Josh is the Founder of We Imagine Media, an award-winning content marketer, best selling author and creator of the He creates and strategises content, sharing the most successful tactics with his lovely audience. He hates writing in the third person, follow him on the social links so he can get back to writing as himself.