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How to Drive Web Traffic to Your Blog With Twitter

how to drive traffic from twitter

Are you making the most of Twitter to drive traffic to your blog? Are you wondering how to drive tons of traffic using Twitter? 

Although you long to increase Twitter engagement and grow your followers, you unmistakably want to drive more traffic to your blog using Twitter. However, you struggle to come up with the right Twitter marketing strategies that will send consistent traffic to your website or landing page.

Twitter is a traffic goldmine if you know how to use it. So by focusing on some proven Twitter tips, you can dramatically increase traffic to your blog. That’s why, I have assembled 7 Twitter strategies that will help you drive more traffic to your website.

1: Pin Recent Post on Your Twitter Timeline

One thing I love about the Twitterverse is the ability to pin a tweet at the top of your timeline.

Pinned tweet lets you attract a targeted audience who is interested in your content. Moreover, it enables you to entice users to your recent blog content or promotional material because it will become the first content they see on your Twitter timeline.

It shows that when visitors arrive at your Twitter profile, the first tweet they will see is your pinned tweet. And since you selected and pinned it at the top, many would want to check it out. When compared to other tweets on your timeline, your chosen pin gets more: 

According to Buffer, a pinned tweet can increase conversions to over 10x more than a regular tweet.

Source Graphic via Buffer

No matter the time or how long it stays on your feed, it will always remain at the top fold – helping you gain more traction and traffic. So since driving traffic to your blog is one of the primary reasons for using Twitter, I advise you to pin a tweet that will appear at the top of your timeline.

It will gather more impressions and drive targeted traffic. 

Here is how to pin a tweet: 

Go to your blog and tweet your most recent blog content, or visit your Twitter profile and choose your best tweet. Then, click the drop-down arrow and select “Pin to your profile.”

The tweet will immediately appear at the top of your feed. But make sure the tweet is good enough to encourage users to click through to your site. 

2: Send Your Tweets at The Best Times of Day

The success of your social media marketing strategies, including Twitter marketing depends on several factors, including how timely you share and tweet your blog content. Tweeting at the best times when your target market is online is critical to the success of your Twitter marketing goals.  

Your objective, in this case, is driving traffic back to your blog. Therefore, it makes sense to tweet when people will see and interact with your posts. It will assist you in reaching your ideal audience and potential clients with your brand message. 

Also, tweeting at the right times will make it easier for you to best the widespread competition on Twitter. For example, statistics show that for every second, Twitter users tweet about 6,000 tweets, and 350,000 tweets each minute, which amounts to over 5.5 million tweets daily.

Source Graphic: Internet Live Stats

In fact, a closer look at the numbers reveals that there have not been many differences in 2013.

Nevertheless, considering that Twitter is the 3rd most used platform with 67% of B2B marketers are Twitter amplify their marketing strategy, tweeting at the best times will increase your return on investments (ROIs).

Source: TopRank Marketing

The statistics indicate the need to tweet at the right time of day for maximum results. It means that if you’re not sending out content at optimal times, your objective of using Twitter to drive traffic to your site will fail. Please, uncover the best times to tweet on Twitter to increase engagement and traffic.

3: Tweet Videos to Drive More Traffic

According to Statista, watching videos content is one of the primary reasons why people use Twitter and other social media sites.

Graphic via Statista

Video marketing continues to grow in momentum, out-performing other digital marketing assets in terms of importance. In fact, over 80% of respondents say that video as a marketing content is the most valuable to their marketing strategy. That is, according to Smart Insights.

Graphic source via Smart Insights

Moreover, Twitter users watch more than 1.2 billion videos daily. And since 53% of buyers interact with businesses after viewing a social media video, using videos in your Twitter marketing strategy will surely maximise your ROIs. 

So tweet video content regularly to increase your results. However, you have to make your videos enticing to users before tweeting them on Twitter. Make sure to include irresistible captions to attract viewers and subtitles for users who prefer to watch videos without sound. 

But you may be wondering:

What Video Formats Work Best On Twitter?

I’m assuming you already know that short, compelling videos perform well. It has to be authentic. With that said, here are video formats you can use to kill it on Twitter. Also, please have a look at the five video marketing tactics that will strengthen your business ROI.

These kinds of videos can drive immense traffic and be the game changer for your business. Remember, success in business involves understanding the ethic in marketing, which includes transparency and honesty.

Therefore, create videos that reflect your brand in total to help you build trust with your audience. Transparency and honesty will help establish your business as an authority in your industry.

In addition, with over 90% of Twitter users watching videos on mobile devices, try to produce short soundless videos. Add your brand logo within the video (if any) to amplify your business.

4: Use Relevant Hashtags to Increase Visibility and Engagement

Social media hashtags are a fantastic way to organise your posts and classify them accordingly. Hashtags on tweets are no different. Hashtags enable your target market to follow interesting tweets seamlessly. 

This Twitter tool aids users in finding suitable content pieces that add value quickly. Given this, hashtags can dramatically increase your Twitter engagement and drive traffic back to your site if you use them correctly.

So if you’ve not been using hashtags, get on board now! It will also help you connect with your followers and users who are interested in the hashtags you’re using in your tweets. This marketing tactic is ideal as tweets with hashtags receive over 30% additional retweets than those without tags.

Graphics via Postcron

It means that adding relevant hashtags will make your tweets reach a wider audience and drive more traffic. However, be careful how you use this Twitter tool. The number of hashtags you use per tweet can significantly increase engagement and traffic, or hurt your Twitter marketing strategy.

I must say there are contradictory findings regarding the ideal number of hashtags to use per tweet. Many experts recommend using one or two hashtags in a single tweet as it can increase engagement by 21%. Others suggest three as the sweet spot.

In fact, the debate is not only about the number of hashtags to use. But it also includes the number of characters for each hashtag. For example, Postcron (mentioned above) revealed that hashtags with 11 characters or more are 120% likely to get retweeted than those with lesser characters.

Therefore, I suggest you test your hashtag strategies to find your sweet spot. Start with one hashtag, and then two. Experiment with the numbers until you hit the nail on the head. 

Find Popular and Most Used Twitter Hashtags

It is best to search hashtags the way you’d research keywords for your blog content. After all, technically, they are keywords people are using to find related content on Twitter. AdEspresso published the most popular and most used hashtags on Twitter.

Graphics via AdEspresso

You can also use these hashtag tools to find more popular tags that will help you improve tweet engagement and drive more traffic. Here are a few of them:

  3. Social Mention
  4. Hashtracking

By using the right hashtags and proportion, you can increase engagement by 70%, which is according to SmallBizTrends. More Twitter engagement can translate to more website traffic. But be careful not to overuse it. Maintain the one, two, and three hashtags per tweet, and evaluate your results.

5: Use Twitter Quick Promote to Drive Traffic

Quick Promoted is Twitter’s advertising option that can help you spread your blog content to a broader target market. It allows your tweets to show up in users’ timelines.

Since tweets can easily get lost in the noise, Quick Promote enables you to advertise your blog content to a broader audience who may not have seen it otherwise. This Twitter marketing strategy is ideal for driving website traffic.

Furthermore, you have the option to set up your Quick Promote to send your tweets to a specific: 

Using this tool in publicising your content on Twitter will also help you with the following benefits:

6: Tweet Teaser Content to Drive Traffic

A teaser tweet reveals only a little about the content. The purpose is to attract users’ attention, make them curious, and at the same time, build excitement to click the material to find out more. It is an imaginative way to communicate with your target buyer.

Hence, tweeting a teaser content will help in generating consumer interest in your witter marketing campaign. This type of blog content gets shared more than others. For example, have a look at this teaser tweet by Kim Garst:

It is a fantastic provoker because it induces interest and excitement. It only hinted about what you should be doing every day on Facebook. Perhaps it’s something you are already doing. But since she didn’t reveal the one thing, it arouses your curiosity and interest – making you want to know about it.

That is the power of a provoker or teaser content. So try to be creative when tweeting. You can use the sample above for inspiration and tweak your title accordingly. It can make all the difference in driving massive traffic to your blog.

7: Tweet Consistently

In his article about social media marketing tips, Josh Barney pointed out the need to post consistently on social media sites. He noted that inconsistent updates would make you lose your followers.

Is he right? Yes, because inconsistency breeds a lack of trust and will detach you from exiting followers.

Even if you gain new social media followers, they will also stop following you sooner than later. Put differently, as long as you’re updating your profile with relevant content pieces that help your followers, you will become the go-to for information. Why?

Because they are aware that you’ll give them what they need. That’s a trust factor in the making; it helps you build brand trust with your audience. However, consistency does not mean tweeting randomly. It involves sending posts according to Twitter marketing best practices. 

Some experts recommend posting 15 – 25 tweets per day, while others say 5 – 7 tweets daily is the ideal spot. The best way to tackle this is to keep testing your tweeting strategy. Evaluate results to find what works best for you. This activity lets you attract more target users to your profile, which can lead to more web traffic to your blog. 

*Important* Since a tweet’s life span is short; it makes sense to post more often throughout the day. 

So to help you remain active, use social management tools to streamline the process. Several tools can help you, including:

These social media marketing tools will help you create, schedule, and publish your posts regularly. With these tools, you will maintain an active status on Twitter and also post your tweets at the right time of day to boost traction.

Wrapping Up

Starting a blog for your business is one part of the puzzle. Driving traffic to your blog is just another point to tackle. However, many content marketers – bloggers and web owners are struggling to get more people to their website.

Twitter offers you several opportunities to drive more website traffic than you can imagine. The seven pointers in this article will surely get your blog on the map and help you increase traffic.

What other tips would you add? 

Moss Clement is the founder of Moss Media - a premium content writing services, and content manager at Writers Per Hour. He is a b2b freelance writer and blogger who is working closely with B2B marketers - helping several startups grow their online presence in the digital marketing space. By delivering highly informative content pieces, he has assisted small & medium-sized businesses to build their online reputation and connect them with their buyer persona.